+2 01200070979

Properties for Sale and Rent in 6 October

NS 121919

+2 01200070979

EGP 1,400,000

Nyoum October 6 October

NS 121197

+2 01200070979

EGP 700,000

Sun Capital 6th of October City

NS 120742

+2 01200070979

EGP 5,981,464

205 6 October

NS 120534
NS 120561

+2 01200070979

EGP 700,000

Sun Capital 6th of October City

NS 120355

+2 01200070979

EGP 700,000

Sun Capital 6th of October City

NS 120211
NS 120267

+2 01200070979

EGP 1,400,000

Nyoum October 6 October

NS 120125

+2 01200070979

EGP 1,400,000

Nyoum October 6 October

NS 120002

+2 01200070979

EGP 700,000

Sun Capital 6th of October City

NS 120004

+2 01200070979

EGP 1,400,000

Nyoum October 6 October

NS 120045

+2 01200070979

EGP 1,400,000

Nyoum October 6 October

NS 119697

+2 01200070979

EGP 1,400,000

Nyoum October 6 October

NS 119483

+2 01200070979

EGP 1,400,000

Nyoum October 6 October

NS 119518

+2 01200070979

EGP 1,400,000

Nyoum October 6 October

NS 119396

+2 01200070979

EGP 1,400,000

Nyoum October 6 October

NS 119315

+2 01200070979

EGP 1,400,000

Nyoum October 6 October

NS 119322

+2 01200070979

EGP 1,400,000

Nyoum October 6 October

NS 119194

+2 01200070979

EGP 1,400,000

Nyoum October 6 October

NS 118984

+2 01200070979

EGP 2,586,000

Leaves 6 October

NS 119054

+2 01200070979

EGP 1,400,000

Nyoum October 6 October

NS 118746

+2 01200070979

EGP 2,586,000

Leaves 6 October

NS 118652

+2 01200070979

EGP 2,586,000

Leaves 6 October

NS 118327

+2 01200070979

EGP 1,400,000

Nyoum October 6 October

NS 118193

+2 01200070979

EGP 700,000

Sun Capital 6th of October City